Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hershey Moore

I never understood television. It conveys a sense of “Want” to the viewer, often times getting in the way of “Need”. This has always felt like a poor attempt at persuading me to purchase the new Seinfeld box set. It irritates me so much that it almost becomes amusing. I find myself laughing at commercials and Jersey Shore, realizing that we literally watch a bunch of people playing pretend nearly 75% of our days. Thinking of it this way tempts me to break out the sandbox and invite some children over, but I doubt that would get me a spot on the wonderful television! I suppose this is why I should risk my own life just for fifteen seconds of fame. 

I am finding myself wanting a more primitive life everyday, and television is  one of those things that keeps me from doing so. It’s not that I hate television, I don’t, I just find its attempts at demonstrating reality quite annoying. I would like to be at some place where I could feel everything around me for what it is. Not for what I was told it was, not for what I think I should I think it is, just for what it is. 

I’m sure by the time I’m done surfing through the channels I’ll eventually find something worth watching, right? No, because I didn’t choose the appropriate corresponding plan. The point of this whole thing was to say that by not watching television I have become much more aware of the world around me, believe it or not the amount of TV in your life does affect things. 


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Yes, I Make Runes

(Pictures of Runes can be found on my website:

I have been making runes for a while now, using both wood and gem. The runes are hand painted and charged by me. I can make deity specific runes (Such as runes in certain color attributes that would help when trying to concentrate the energy of a specific deity to your readings.)

I can make the runes rather quickly and these runes can be ordered to come with a bag. The bags are made of silk, but other fabrics might be possible. The runes are shipped through USPS and payment is made through PayPal. You can contact me at: through the "Runes" page. Let me know what you want and if you want the 24 Futhark or the 33 Futhorc (some prefer the latter).

I can also make rune beaded necklaces, for various things such as a specific statement, intent, etc. These are obviously a bit more time consuming.

Runes are 15 dollars for gem, and 15 for wood. The beaded necklaces vary upon request. 

Legba Devotional

Okay, so the reason for my absence rather recently was because of my test of endurance and devotion to Legba. It was a bit of poetry, one written each day about Legba and the things I've learned to associate him with. I recently published it, and may or may not make to the general public (i'll let you know if I do though). Its a collection  of poetry and prose.

Legba is the spirit in Haitian Vodou that is associated with the crossroads, and as the opener of the door to spirit. It was written for him with his help.

The Mjolnir, and Why I Don't Wear One

If you know your Norse stuff, you should know that the Mjolnir (Thor's Hammer) is commonly worn as a pendant by those involved in Asatru. While I find the Mjolnir very appealing, I get an extremely strong feeling of "You don't need to be wearing that!" from all around me. At first I thought this was because I wasn't mean for Asatru, but as time went on I began to realize more and more that it was an Aesir pendant, and may be offensive to some around me.

So, because of this I do not wear the Mjolnir, nor am I Asatru. If I had to label myself as something I'd probably have to put me somewhere between Northern Tradition Pagan and Vanatru, as i've read much literature about these subjects. I also have much more pull and draw towards the Vanir and Jotun than I do the Aesir, cept for Odin who is always lingering in my mind.

All this stuff about the Mjolnir really got me thinking about something I had thought a while back. "Is the glamorous appeal to the public a main reason for why so many dawn themselves in jewellery?" I believe so and would not hesitate to say that at least fifty percent of the pagan community consists of it. Thus reason number three for me not wearing a Mjolnir pendant.

Lovely day to you!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Eihwaz- Rune of Yggdrassil

Eihwaz, called "Rune of the Ash Staff" by some and "Rune of the Yew Tree" by others. Either way it is a great protection rune and is associated with Yggdrassil, the great tree in which the nine worlds rotate around. At the bottom of Yggdrassil is the great Nidhogg, who gnaws at the tree's roots and devours the waste of the tree. Running up the down the tree is Ratatosk, the cosmic wight which takes the form of a squirrel.

The first world, Midgard, is commonly associated with our world (in our I mean humans) and is envisioned as a market place. From my own experience there I can say that it reminded me of a place where people in a harsh climate would live. Some warning though, not everyone is friendly here, as i had found out quickly.

The second world, Muspellheim, is called the fire world is the home to the Fire ettins. Surt and Sinmora live here, in lava rock homes. I have never been to this world personally, nor do I plan to without real reason.

The third world, Asgard is home to the Aesir, and from what I read is invitation only. If you don't have it, you don't get in. Forget about it. 

The fourth world, Alfheim, is home to the Ljollsalfar (light elves) and if I am not mistaken is the home of Frey. It is a pretty world full of glamour.

The fifth world, Vanaheim, home to the Vanir is a "perfect" world full of kodak moments along the way. 

The sixth world, Jotunheim, the rightly named home to the Jotun, specifically Angrboda, is said to be a lot larger in every way then us mortal people.

The seventh world, Svartalfheim, home of the Dokkalfar (dark elves), like Alfheim, is coated in glamour. 

The eight world, Niflheim, the world of snow is home too the Frost thurses (ice ettins). Cold conditions here and caution is always advised when journeying.

The ninth world, Helheim, is the home to the Underworld and Hela. Travelers here have no power and a trip to Helheim can be fatal if you screw up.

The color associated with Eihwaz is black and in journeying is used as a protection rune, traced in the air. Needless to say, Eihwaz is a very powerful, and very complex rune that much respect should be given to. 

To Eihwaz!

Ask the Goat- Animal Totem

I had always felt like my stomach was on fire, not being able to digest or even think to digest the easiest of meals. Obviously as I grew older my hunger grew bigger until I had a hard time taking it. Then along comes my research into goat totems when I realize that the goat is much like myself.

We graze throughout the day and do not have many big meals. Thus the cause of my digestive problems (which divination certainly expanded upon). The goat has shown me to pay more attention to my diet and what I am eating. This has brought much prosperity to me allowing for a non-sick stomach.

Therefore I tribute this blog post to the Goat, the totem of my "Munchies".

Some spiritual things about Goats:
- The Greek God Pan is depicted as half goat half man
- Thor's chariot is driven by two goats. 
- Goats are commonly used in correlation with an inverted pentacle to represent LaVeyan Satanism. 


"The Pathwalker's Guide to the NIne Worlds" by Raven Kaldera Book Review

I had been curious to what this tome held within for a very long time before actually purchasing the book itself. It proved to be highly informative, and highly practical with a bit of comedic value as well. I had been familiar with Raven Kaldera through Kenaz Filan, an person I have much respect for as an author and as a friend.

The first few chapters of the book detail the primer, application, and process to pathwalking. The rest of the book presents Raven's notes on his 9 day journey of the Nine Worlds, which I felt were very gripping on the reader. The detail of the worlds themselves is where this book hits the gold. Every world is detailed and explored to the very inch, with side notes of caution and accepted offerings.

The book doesn't fail on appearance either, quite a beautiful cover with nice illustrations of the runes in the beginning of the book. Someone definitely took their time on this one! I highly recommend it to those that are serious about pursuing Northern Tradition Shamanism or just curious about the technique in general.

For more information about Raven Kaldera please go to:

For purchasing the book please go to:

The Norwegian Sea

Located northwest of Norway, the sea joins with with the North Atlantic to the west and Barents to the north east, but that's not what this essay is solely about.

It was upon pondering the Norwegian sea that I got the inspiration to write about the Nine Undines. For those of you who aren't familiar with your Norse lore the Nine Undines are the nine daughters of Aegir, king of the sea, and Ran, mother of the ocean. They have been depicted as similar to mermaids with Jotun blood. In other words, they are not like Ariel.

According to The Pathwalker's Nine Worlds by Raven Kaldera, Sea giants have several forms. From looking like pale humans to whales, dolphins, and other animals you'd find in or near the ocean. It is also noted that sea giants are a lot more playful than the other Jotun, however I would take this with a grain of salt, considering that they still have the nature to berserk within them. 

The nine undines themselves are said to be bloodthirsty and are as follows, respectively: Blodughadda (Blood Haired) who is associated with Sharks, Bara (Big wave) who is associated with Whales, Unn who is associated with the moon and seagulls, Himinglava who is associated with the dolphin, Bylgja who is associated with the sea horse, Hevring (Sorrow) who is associated with the Jellyfish, Hronn who is associated with Eels, and Kolga who is associated with ice and polar bears. 

All of the nine undines seem to enjoy blood offerings, which of course should be put into salt water or straight into the ocean itself. Taking the blood is relatively easy, especially if you can get your hands on a finger pricking sugar checker (Nice wording eh?). 

Further References:
I. Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner by Galina Krasskova and Raven Kaldera
II. The Jotunbok by Raven Kaldera
III. Pathwalker's Guide to the Nine Worlds by Raven Kaldera